
Zuppa Inglese — 1 Comment

  1. I infer less enthusiasm than customary from your post. One can’t like everything equally of course, although my zuppa inglese has usually gone over well with students and guests. We don’t eat dessert too often, and less frequently now than ever, which is appropriate for octogenarians, yet you have reminded me that this is one of Victor’s favorites.
    Your comment about the liqueurs reminds me of the perplexity I have often felt about Americans and alcohol. Americans drink more alcohol, especially dissociated from meals, than any Italian would dream of. Yet Americans are the only ones I have ever found shrinking from the alcohol in some desserts, not to speak of that in grappa, which is not more alcoholic than vodka and many whiskies.
    Marcella, I enjoyed this recipe, but I either used too much liquor or the wrong combination. If I remember correctly, I had to improvise somewhat as I couldn’t find the suggested ones. I do love most liqueurs, but I do hate grappa. It’s the flavor that I dislike, not it’s alcohol content. I hope you make this again for Victor soon, as a special treat. Cindy