
Risotto with Sausages — 4 Comments

  1. I am so glad for you, Deborah, that you are into the taste of pure pork sausage freed of all that Italian-American deli junk. But that you can have it for breakfast stuns me. Would you eat like that in your house in Umbria? What do the neighbors think? All I can deal with when I wake up is a very large cup of espresso made from Illy beans. If I haven’t had any dinner, which is not unusual considering we eat a large lunch, I might be able to dip a biscotto in the coffee.
    Deborah responds:
    Oh yes, Marcella! Cold carbs are my breakfast of choice.
    I can eat like this for breakfast. I actually wake up thinking about breakfast. In Umbria, our typical breakfast is coffee, toast, & cheese. Fresh fruit if we have it. Maybe an egg, but usually not.

  2. Don’t forget Deborah that one of the greatest breakfast meals of all time is cold pizza! MMMM
    I’m sure porca miseria for anyone from Italy though! *smile*
    Your risotto looks grand too BTW!

  3. Cheese? Eggs? Impossible at that hour. The only departure from custom for me is when I am ensconced in a very tony hotel, and I have no morning appointments, then – in addition to a pot of coffee – I’ll have croissant or toast, butter, and marmalade. Served in the room with good china and silver.

  4. Oh this looks SO good. I might have to wait for lunch, though. I’m in the “only coffee” first thing camp, maybe a pastry a little later, after my third cup.