
Risotto with Celery — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you, Deborah, and your fellow Pomodori, not alone for your kind words, which touch me, but for your faith in my directions and your resolve to follow them no matter what contrary influences are tugging you in an opposite direction. This touches me even more deeply.
    I hope you haven’t taken your laptop with you and that you and your husband are enjoying unmediated distance from what you’ve left behind. You can catch up with the post when you return.
    Victor says, don’t feel badly about the Muscadet. You want to get a little more use out of those tumblers before graduating to stemware caliber wines. He has yet to open the Norton. With a beef stew perhaps if I get around to making it.

  2. Deborah, I have never tried this recipe, but after the way you have written about it, it is on my must-try list!
    Great job!

  3. My Mom has made this recipe for years at Easter. It has become a staple. This year I need this recipe as My mothers cookbook is up north and she has just arrived from Florida. We think we know all of the ingredients but not sure of amounts. So we are winging it.