
La Jota–Beans and Sauerkraut Soup — 4 Comments

  1. Congratulations, Jan, you have done well, and you didn’t give up when faced with the difficulty of obtaining the pork. Every ingredient matters, just as it matters not to put more ingredients that a dish needs. I am so grateful to you and the others who are bringing attention to the soups in my book. I adore soup, and Italy has as many terrific soups as it has sauces for pasta, which is to say beyond counting.

  2. This looks great Jan – we are huge sauerkraut fans here so I know that we’d love this soup.

  3. I have just made it – I started yesterday at 3pm, took a break, and finished the last part this morning. I’m using the Marcella Hazan recipe but I modified it a bit. I decided to use pork belly finely minced instead of the salt pork in the final pesta’. I used chopped pancetta and I used a smoked ham knuckle for the meat. I used the lovely fresh cranberry beans (shelled them all) and added an extra potato. While making it I researched many other versions of the soup and came to realize that it was fine to add substitute pork products, if similar. I was in Trieste in October of this year and watched it being made. Many recipes call for barley.