
Insalata Russa–Shrimp Salad with Assorted Vegetables — 16 Comments

  1. Beautiful! Bet it tasted as good as it looks.
    Interesting what you wrote about “trust Marcella.” That’s what separates a great cooking authority from so many others. I cannot tell you how many recipes I have where that trust did not get earned.
    I need this book!

  2. Jan! Brava amica mia!! Your insalata looks fantastica!! You are beaming with pride, right? 😀 Super nice photos and a great first post. Your shrimp are perfetto, the beets, carrots, green beans, and pea design is cool!!!!
    Rah! Rah!

  3. Jan! Love it! What a gorgeous picture! I’m going to try to change the picture in your facebook post so the finished dish is what shows up, OK?

  4. Wow – that looks amazing! You really out did yourself.
    I know what you mean – I have faith in the recipes that I am trying in Marcella’s book. Admittedly, I may not be thrilled about some of the ingredients (hello . . . lamb kidneys anyone . . .) but even then I know that the recipe itself will be sound.

  5. Bravissima!
    You can’t imagine the joy I feel in seeing someone bring one of my recipes to life, and to such glorious life. My gratitude and respect go to all of you who are so conscientious embarked on this project. Let me know if there is ever an explanation or a suggestion I can offer to smooth the way for you.
    With love, Marcella

  6. I was lucky enough to see it in real life! Era cosi bella – un’opera d’arte e d’amore! Brava brava!

  7. I can just taste that yummy homemade mayonnaise! There is nothing like it!
    What a great recipe to share-thanks!
    Best wishes,

  8. Jan – your dish looks beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that Marcella commented upon it herself. I’m so impressed. I’m inching my way towards the kitchen,

  9. OMG, Jan, you must be so thrilled! Not only is the dish gorgeous (and delicious, I am sure), but to have Marcella’s “Bravissima!” must put you in the stratosphere.
    Great job!