
Sweet Pastry Fritters — 3 Comments

  1. Did you know that lard contains 20 percent less saturated fat than butter and double butter’s level of monounsaturated fat, the “good” fat?
    I should have called these “irresistible Sweet Pastry Fritters”. But don’t tell Doug. Your husband knows what’s good.

  2. As we age food “health” fashions come and go. I always found unsaturated but hydrogenated fats to be counter-intuitive and skipped the whole ‘Crisco’ era. I resisted the virtual ban on eggs as cholesterol delivery devices and knew that the pendulum would shift back to olive oil.
    Through it all, lard has always had an honored place in my kitchen along with real butter. There is no need to try to ‘lighten’ the lard experience. As Marcella correctly says, lard is as healthful as any other solid fat and has a better lipid profile than butter.

  3. I’ve missed a few recipes in this series because I am working from my earlier edition, “The Classic Italian Cookbook”, which I love. I didn’t find the “sweet pastry fritters” right away, but located them as “Chiacchiere della nonna”. They are not only (almost) named after me, but my nonna made them by the bagful at holidays to distribute to us grandkids.
    My grand (and great grand) children live too far away, but I’ll make a batch for me and my wife to enjoy.
    Thank you, Marcella and Irene.