
Marcella’s Epilogue — 6 Comments

  1. Marcella, you are a much bigger part of this project than just the author of the cookbook.
    Your own daily comments were the great motivator. In our ‘virtual’ classroom, we all felt your presence. It was as if, in each of our kitchens, you stood beside us, looking over our shoulders. Commented on our technique, pointed out our errors, praised our successes, and then you and Victor joined us at table.
    It is we who thank you.

  2. I too have followed most of the Pomodori e Vino posts and wished that I could have been one of those who helped to cook my way through “Essentials”.
    You see, I fell in love with Marcella when a college roommate gave me “The Classic Italian Cookbook” when I returned from spending a summer in Cortona Italy….way before that wonderful Etruscan hill town was discovered. I have had a love affair with Italians and Italian cooking ever since.
    This past year a dream came true when I was able to connect, if only through electronic media, to one of my culinary heros, Marcella Hazan. For me she has represented the way to cook Italian and the day that I received a response from a post to her Facebook page has allowed me to touch the stars!
    Viva Marcella, I love you and wish you and Victor all the best. Thank you for all the happiness that you have brought me.

  3. Dear Marcella, this series made me realize I had gotten into a rut, cooking only some old familiar dishes from your two books. (Yes, I have both of them) So I will look at the books with fresh eyes, and try more things.
    I was very disappointed a couple of years ago that I was unable to meet you when you visited the Pasta Shop in Oakland, CA. The reports from the staff there were that you were as pleasant and gracious as anyone could ask. I thank you for your cookbooks (ALL of them!) and your personality that comes through.

  4. As Cindy’s husband and the recipient of many good dishes that Cindy cooked from Marcella’s cook book I thank you!

  5. It’s been so much fun to follow along with the Pomodori as they have loveingly followed your recipes to the letter 🙂 Their mouth watering photos, comments (and your comments too Marcella), have been a joy to read for the past year and few months. I have learned so much. Thank you ALL from the bottom of my growling tummy!!!
    Brava!! Rah Rah!!!!!!!