
Cindy’s Final Thoughts — 7 Comments

  1. Cindy,
    Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, GREAT PHOTOS, and so what if you gained a few pounds!! Your “recap” is eloquent and heartfelt.
    Grazie e brava!!
    Hope one day (or evening with roaring fire and dimmed lights) to join you and Scott at your dining room table(and healthy scraps for Miss Bella). It would be an honor.
    Un grande abbraccio!

  2. A beautiful celebratory menu, Cindy. I’ll be watching my mailbox for my invitation. Thanks for taking this journey with us.

  3. All your efforts were so appreciated. Lovely menu you’ve listed above. Thanks for all the hours you spent cooking. It was a fun time for all of us.

  4. Cindy, it sounds like a great menu!
    I have so enjoyed all of your posts, along with your gorgeous photography. I loved the photo of you catching a fish.
    Speaking of fish, I hope you try the whole fish stuffed with shellfish again…
    Thank you for giving me so much pleasure!

  5. I envy the lucky people in your life who enjoy the benefits of your skill, food and generosity. It has been a pleasure to follow your journey through these recipes. Thank you.