
Broccoli and Ricotta Sfinciuni — 4 Comments

  1. Well done Jerry. Your posts were entertaining and informative. I enjoyed reading them.

  2. Jerry, you’ve been a source of joy and laughter over the past year and many months. I applaud your honesty and simply adore your style of writing.
    grazie mille for all of your cooking skills, your photos and summaries of recipes.

  3. Congratulations Jerry, you have done a wonderful job. I shall miss your posts, but I will still read your personal blog everyday!
    This dish looks fantastic!

  4. Congratulations, Jerry! I am grateful for your conscientious and skilled execution of so many recipes, some of which were evidently alien to your sensibilities. I am grateful too for your literate posts, to which you have evidently dedicated thought and time.I was never frustrated by your analysis. I am a rationalist, I don’t have a problem dealing with analysis. We all have foods we can’t bring ourselves to like. My husband has his celebrated aversion to fowl. Deborah doesn’t like raisins. Irene eggs. I’d rather not have to taste cinnamon, cilantro, fennel seeds, and oysters. These, Jerry, are personal issues, not food issues. No food that is part of a genuine culinary tradition should be made the object of contempt or held up to ridicule.