
Apple Fritters — 1 Comment

  1. Is it because we are approaching the finish line that you are beginning to take liberties?
    I have had mascarpone with rum, but never with yoghurt, and it sounds like a good idea. Bulgarian? The imported yoghurts in our Whole Foods are all from Greece. Both my mother and my mother-in-law used to make their own yoghurts.
    Deborah responds:
    LOL, Marcella! Maybe it is because we are approaching the end, or maybe it is just Spring fever!
    I know everyone gets tired of me bragging on my local international mega-store – Global Foods. But that is where I get the Bulgarian Yogurt. It is somewhat like Greek. Made with whole milk. Nice and firm. But it is sweeter with much less tang that Greek yogurt. Lends itself very well to dessert applications.