
Fried Cauliflower Wedges with Egg and Bread Crumb Batter — 3 Comments

  1. Do you know, Cindy, I have never had a deep-fryer, but I must have at least two dozen skillets. You are such a good cook, it’s a loss to the art that you don’t fry, there is no tastier way to cook when you do it right.
    I am glad you made the point about the bread crumbs. Better coarse homemade than fine store-bought! After grinding the bread, I pass it through a strainer with a fine mesh and discard what doesn’t sift through.

  2. Cindy, I think this looks beautiful and all the more so for your homemade bread crumbs. There is something so, well, generic and cardboardy about canned bread crumbs.

  3. Cindy, I love cauliflower! This recipe looks and sounds so much more exciting than boring old steamed cauliflower!!