
Baked Semolina Gnocchi — 3 Comments

  1. Irene, I am so sorry you were disappointed, but your honesty is appreciated.
    Being the daughter of a proper Southern woman, I love grits.
    Marcella, yes, I have made this dish! And will continue to do so as I adore it.

  2. Irene, it would be completely unrealistic to think that we could work our way through an entire cookbook (even one as exquisite as Essentials) without stumbling across at least one recipe we just don’t have a taste for. I guess this one was yours.

  3. Allow me to reciprocate: nothing, not even a distinguished older gentleman – would draw me to a bowl of cooked farina, and certainly nothing short of imminent death by starvation to have it for breakfast. I hope you haven’t been tapped to do the polenta recipes.