
Clam and Pea Soup — 3 Comments

  1. Dear Beth, this combination is even more effective with the clams I grew up with in Italy, and with the peas from our farms. The former are peppery and the latter very sweet, and it can be a dynamic pairing. I find it works also here with littlenecks, but with fresh English peas, not frozen. I adore peas, but not everyone else does. De gustibus … of course. Thanks. Marcella
    Beth responds- Thanks for the insight. A few more weeks and we will have fresh peas here. Maybe I will remake the soup then. I know my next recipe I will love. It is the Tomato, basil, and garlic sauce. A staple in our house!

  2. Beth, It is interesting how our traditional uses of a particular ingredient limit our ability to think of that ingredient in other ways, isn’t it?
    I would have never thought to pair peas with clams. But, now I think I would actually love this dish.
    And I completely agree with you about admitting how much I’m learning from Marcella. On Tuesday, I will be admitting that she has blown away all of my preconceptions about squid. 😀